SOCI 280 - Debates & Challenges in contemporary Quebec Society
The complete title of this course is: Debates & Challenges of Contemporary Quebec Society /La Société québécoise : défis et enjeux.
How distinct is Quebec from the rest of Canada? What are the most important challenges confronting Quebec society? This course provides students with a sense of Quebec’s history and demographics, a basic knowledge of provincial social policies, information pertaining to culture, identity and language issues, as well as key concepts which are useful to anyone who aims to live and work in Quebec.
Dans quelle mesure le Québec est-il distinct du reste du Canada? Quels sont les principaux défis auxquels le Québec est confronté? Ce cours offre aux étudiants une fenêtre sur l’histoire du Québec, sa démographie, ses politiques publiques et sa culture, tout en procurant des repères utiles à quiconque souhaite vivre et travailler au Québec.
NOTE: This course is offered in either English or French. Consult the Undergraduate Class Schedule for details.
NOTE: Ce cours est offert en anglais ou en français. Prière de consulter l’horaire des cours de premier cycle pour en savoir plus.
Please refer to the Course Outline below.
Undergraduate, 3 credits
Registration Information:
Concordia students must register for this course in their Student Hub. It is strongly recommended that they consult Concordia's class schedule prior to enrolling in order to be aware of any registration restrictions (see the notes).
Once registered, students must then sign up for an eConcordia account to access the course material.
» Visit the registration section for details.
Disclaimer: Information regarding the eConcordia course found on this page may change without notice. For the most recent course list, visit the Student Hub. Furthermore, if this represents the initial offering of the course, no course outline will be available until the start of the first active semester.