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Online and fully credited, our online courses offer all Concordia students the opportunity to create their schedule while immersing themselves in engaging and interactive learning environments.

To register for a credited eConcordia course, you must do so through your Student Hub. Ensure that you have registered for the online section of your desired course (online courses are generally identified with the following notation: Online EC. Notations may, however, vary). Afterwards, you can access your courses on using your Concordia Netname.

What to expect

Apart from study materials, each course website offers a wide range of tools, from animations, online agenda, assignments and evaluations, to discussion boards, collaborative tools and, in some instances, gamification elements. Additionally, videos and other interactive elements are placed throughout the courses, offering you a good opportunity for further online peer interactivity.

The following video offers you a quick overview of our portal and courses:

See at the link below our courses for the current and upcoming semesters:

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