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ECON 203 - Introduction to Macroeconomics

Please Note: This course is not hosted on the eConcordia platform but through the Concordia Moodle platform. 

An introductory analysis of aggregate economic activity. The focus is on the principles of determination of the level of employment, national income, real output, inflation, and international balance of payments. The course also analyzes the principles which govern trade relations among countries. These topics are integrated by a discussion of government monetary and fiscal policies to stabilize economic activity.


  • Winter (January 13 - April 12, 2025)
  • Summer II (May 12 - August 12, 2025)
  • Fall (September 2 - December 1, 2025)
  • Winter (January 12 - April 13, 2026)


Undergraduate, 3 credits


Students who have received credit or exemption for ECON 200 may not take this course for credit.

Registration Information:

Concordia students must register for this course in their Student Hub. It is strongly recommended that they consult Concordia's class schedule prior to enrolling in order to be aware of any registration restrictions (see the notes).


Disclaimer: Information regarding the eConcordia course found on this page may change without notice. For the most recent course list, visit the Student Hub. Furthermore, if this represents the initial offering of the course, no course outline will be available until the start of the first active semester.