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Reminder: Due to the ongoing TAs' strike, students are asked to contact their course instructor directly for all course-related requests.

ELEC 437/ELEC 6421 - Renewable Energy Systems

Electrical basics and models of solar energy (photo-voltaics), electrical power from wind energy, electrical power from water, including wave energy, tidal energy, micro-hydro. Case studies, for example the application of solar PV to street lighting. Electrical engineering design implications. Design assignments. Lectures: three hours per week.


  • Winter (January 13 - April 12, 2025)


Please refer to the Course Outline below.


Undergraduate 3 credits / Graduate 4 credits

There is no access fee for this course.


PREREQ ELEC 437:  ELEC 331.  Must complete all required 200 level courses

PREREQ ELEC 6421: ELEC 6411, Never taken ELEC 437. Must be in ECE program

Prerequisite: COEN or ELEC 390 or equivalent.

NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an ELEC 498 number may not take this course for credit.



Renewable Energy Sources, by John Twidell and Tony Weir, 2nd Edition, 2006

Renewable Energy Sources, by John Twidell and Tony Weir, 3rd Edition, 2015


Photovoltaic Systems Engineering, by Roger Messenger and Amir Abtahi, 4th Edition, 2017

Registration Information:

Concordia students must register for this course in their Student Hub. It is strongly recommended that they consult Concordia's class schedule prior to enrolling in order to be aware of any registration restrictions (see the notes). Once registered, students must then sign up for an eConcordia account to access the course material. » Visit the registration section for details.


Disclaimer: Information regarding the eConcordia course found on this page may change without notice. For the most recent course list, visit the Student Hub. Furthermore, if this represents the initial offering of the course, no course outline will be available until the start of the first active semester.